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  • 2019 07 01 Submission of Lithuanian citizenship documents to the Migration Department. Legal assistance of lawyers in Lithuanian citizenship matters

2019 07 01 Submission of Lithuanian citizenship documents to the Migration Department. Legal assistance of lawyers in Lithuanian citizenship matters

2019 07 01 Submission of Lithuanian citizenship documents to the Migration Department. Legal assistance of lawyers in Lithuanian citizenship matters

Upon the Resolution No 633 of the Government of the Republic of Lithuania of 26 June 2019 on the change of Resolution No 280 of the Government of the Republic of Lithuania of 03 April 2013 “Concerning grant of authority while implementing the Law on Citizenship of the Republic of Lithuania and approval of Description of the procedure for preparing documents relating to citizenship of the Republic of Lithuania”, the Description of the procedure for preparing documents relating to citizenship of the Republic of Lithuania has been altered. New requirements for a preparation of documents relating to citizenship of the Republic of Lithuania shall be applied since 01 July 2019.

According to the Description of the procedure for preparing documents relating to citizenship of the Republic of Lithuania that has been valid until 01 July 2019, applications regarding reinstatement, renunciation, return of citizenship of the Republic of Lithuania and grant thereof by naturalization or in simplified procedure, applications regarding children’s citizenship of the Republic of Lithuania, as well as notices were submitted directly upon arrival at the County Chief Police Commissariat or the Migration Department under the Ministry of the Interior of the Republic of Lithuania, or diplomatic missions or consular posts of the Republic of Lithuania, through an authorized person or other representative, through a courier, also, by registered mail, or by electronic means.

Since 01 July 2019, there left no possibility to submit the aforementioned applications and notices through a courier or by registered mail.

It is specified in clause 3 of the Description of the procedure for preparing documents relating to citizenship of the Republic of Lithuania which is currently in force that applications regarding reinstatement, renunciation, return of citizenship of the Republic of Lithuania and grant thereof by naturalization or in simplified procedure, applications regarding children’s citizenship of the Republic of Lithuania, as well as notices shall be submitted directly upon arrival at the Migration Department under the Ministry of the Interior of the Republic of Lithuania, through an authorized person or other representative, also, by electronic means, whereas applications and notices mentioned hereinbefore to diplomatic missions or consular posts of the Republic of Lithuania shall be submitted directly upon arrival or by electronic means.

Legal assistance and consultations of lawyers in Lithuanian citizenship matters by e-mail: info@migration.lt or by phone +370 618 61886.


