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The citizen of a spouse (a husband or a wife)

The citizen of a spouse (a husband or a wife)

In course of increasingly growing number of mixed families (when citizens of Lithuania get married with citizens of foreign states), the problem of a dual citizenship and the opportunities for acquiring the citizenship of Lithuania by a spouse of a citizen of Lithuania becomes important.

If a citizen of Lithuania registers a marriage with a citizen of a foreign state, the latter (husband or a wife of a citizen of Lithuania) may be granted the citizenship of Lithuania after 7 years of the permanent residence in Lithuania with the citizen of Lithuania.

After 7 years of the permanent residence in Lithuania, a husband of a wife of a citizen of Lithuania may apply for granting the citizenship of Lithuania.

In certain cases, a husband of a wife of a citizen of Lithuania may apply for granting the citizenship of Lithuania earlier. For example, a husband of a wife of a citizen of Lithuania may apply for granting the citizenship of Lithuania after 5 years in case of registration of the marriage with a former deportee, political prisoner or a child of such persons born in exile, or if the alien resided permanently in Lithuania with a spouse (a citizen of Lithuania) that died for at least 1 year.

Residence of a person in Lithuania is recognized permanent, if the person does not leave Lithuania for a period exceeding 6 months per year.

If a spouse of a citizen of Lithuania wishes to be granted the citizenship of Lithuania, he (she), in addition to other requirements set in the relevant laws, shall pass an examination in the basics of Lithuanian language and the Constitution of Lithuania.

For obtaining detailed information on an examination in the basics of Lithuanian language and the Constitution of Lithuania, go to: www.upc.smm.lt., of the Education Development Center, D. Katkaus St. 44, Vilnius, phone: 003705275 2362.

Prior to submission of the documents for acquisition of the citizenship of Lithuania, the documents executed in a language other than Lithuanian shall be translated into Lithuanian according to the procedure provided in Laws. Documents issued by institutions of foreign states shall be certified by Apostille or legalized, unless otherwise is provided by international treaties of Lithuania or legal norms of the European Union.

The documents to be submitted by an alien whose spouse is a citizen of Lithuania for acquiring the citizenship of Lithuania according to the procedure of naturalization include:

1. The application completed in Lithuanian;
2. The passport;
3. The Passport of the spouse (a citizen of Lithuania);
4. The Certificate of Marriage;
5. A document certifying his/her right for permanent residence in Lithuania;
6. Documents certifying that he (she) lived permanently with the spouse (a citizen of Lithuania) in Lithuania for the required period;
7. Documents on a successful result of an examination in the basics of Lithuanian language and the Constitution of Lithuania;
8. Documents certifying that the alien is not a citizen of another state or will lose it after granting the citizenship of Lithuania, or a declaration on renouncing the present citizenship of another state after granting the citizenship of Lithuania;
9. A certificate on absence of convictions;
10. In certain cases – the documents certifying that the spouse of the alien is a former deportee, political prisoner or a child of such persons born in exile, or the documents certifying a death of the spouse.

The documents shall be submitted to the territorial police office in the place of residence of the applicant.

The Migration Department shall transfer applications of persons for acquiring the citizenship of Lithuania according to the procedure of naturalization to the Citizenship Board within 3 months from the date of submission of the documents.

When a citizen of Lithuania registers a marriage with a citizen of a foreign state, the citizenship of the foreign state may be granted to him (her) automatically or certain actions for acquiring the citizenship of the foreign state (to submit an application, other documents and so on) may be required. If a citizen of Lithuania having registered a marriage with a citizen of a foreign state is granted the citizenship of the foreign state automatically (such a practice is more typical for Islamic states), such a person shall be entitled to be simultaneously a citizen of Lithuania and a citizen of the foreign state, i.e. to have a dual citizenship. If acquisition of the citizenship of the foreign state requires certain actions and the only fact of registration of the marriage is not sufficient, the person loses the citizenship of Lithuania after granting the citizenship of the foreign state. In such a case, a dual citizenship is not allowed.


If you have any questions regarding Lithuanian citizenship or should you require more information or help, please contact us by e-mail: info@migration.lt or phone: + 370 6 1861886. We will gladly help you.
