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Job search in Lithuania

Job search in Lithuania

In Lithuania, job offers with descriptions of the offered positions provided by employers are published in a number of websites. The most popular websites include: http://www.cvmarket.lt/, http://www.cvonline.lt/english/, https://ec.europa.eu/eures/public/homepage and https://www.ldb.lt/en/Information/Pages/default.aspx.

In addition, job offers are published in newspapers. A person looking for a job also can send his (her) Curriculum Vitae (CV) directly to a chosen employer. In Lithuania, the job search process is the shortest in the largest towns, such as Vilnius, Kaunas and Klaipėda. Persons having 6-10-year work experience and persons in the age over 30 usually get a job most rapidly. However, in some sectors (such as the sectors of law, economy and so on), the labour market is overstocked, so a job search lasts considerably longer.

If a third-country national wishes to be employed in Lithuania, he (she) should find a job; then the employment procedure, obtaining of all required documents and permits may be started.
