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Recovery of Birth Record (Certificate of Birth) in Lithuania

Recovery of Birth Record (Certificate of Birth) in Lithuania

There are likely to be some occasions, when old documents are necessary, it is noticed that certificates of birth of individuals or their birth records did not remain. In such a case, there is a possibility to apply for a birth record recovery.

In order to recover any record of an act of civil status, a person may apply, personally or via the representative, to the Civil Registry Office, or via the MEP Information System.

When recovering a birth record, a person must first submit to the Civil Registry Office an application for recovery of birth record.

Together with an application for recovery of birth record, the following documents must also be attached:

  • Notification/ response of the Lithuanian State Historical Archives on missing birth record;
  • Identity document;
  • Other documents related to a person whose record will be recovered, and to his/ her parents.

In the event that a birth record is to be recovered for the deceased person, the applicant’s identity document and documents evidencing the applicant’s family relationship with the deceased person must be submitted together with an application.

The following documents shall be considered eligible: person’s, whose record is to be recovered, baptism certificate, marriage conclusion document (if a person was married), documents of marriage dissolution, birth of children, marriage of parents, if parents are deceased, then death certificates of parents, birth certificates of brothers and sisters, other extracts from the civil status records of the deceased person and his/ her close relatives, approving existence of the record which is being recovered.

After having submitted an application for recovery of birth record, the Civil Registry Office also collects information on such documents, which the applicant cannot submit, but is able to provide information thereof.

When an authorized representative applies for recovery of a record of an act of civil status, the power of attorney must specify that a person is authorized to correct, amend, recover and receive all records related to actions carried out in the Civil Registry Office.


