In January 2021, by orders of the Minister of the Interior of the Republic of Lithuania, citizenship of the Republic of Lithuania was reinstated to aliens in the following descending order: Lithuanian citizenship was mostly restored to persons born in South Africa – 138 cases, the second place – to persons born in Israel – 114 cases, the third place – to persons born ir Brazil – 66 cases. Altogether, in January 2021, Lithuanian citizenship was reinstated to 424 persons born in the countries mentioned thereunder:
Country of birth/Number of persons
South Africa 138
Israel 114
Brazil 66
Uruguay 31
Argentina 21
Lithuania 16
USA 12
Russia 6
Latvia 5
Belarus 3
Canada 3
United Kingdom 2
Zimbabwe 2
Kazakhstan 1
Estonia 1
Germany 1
Colombia 1
Austria 1
TOTAL: 424