From the beginning of 2015, the conscripted army has been renewed in Lithuania. At present, all Lithuanian men aged 18-23 can be invited to perform compulsory military service in the Lithuanian Armed Forces for a period of 9 months. The priority shall be given to volunteers. Generally, only 2 percent of men are randomly selected to complete vacancies in the army within the year. The lists of military conscripts are published on the Internet at
Upon receipt of the call, a military conscript will be assigned to compulsory initial military service only after determining that his health is appropriate to carry out the service.
A person called to the army can postpone it only in case of important reasons and when having documents evidencing hereof.
A military conscription can be postponed in the following cases:
- a person studies at a secondary, professional or higher education school;
- by military conscription, a disproportionate damage to his public or private interests will be incurred;
- persons are raising a minor child alone or are on parental leave;
- in case of temporary health problems;
- in other cases provided for.
A military conscript who is on the list of conscripts may submit a claim based on evidence to the Regional Military Conscription and Compilation Division regarding a postponement of his military service due to disproportionate damage to his interests and his application would be considered by a special commission.
Penalties are stipulated for a non-entry into compulsory military service or alternative national defence service, as well as for a non-compliance with military obligations established by the Law on Military Conscription of the Republic of Lithuania.
If a person has citizenship of the Republic of Lithuania, he is a military conscript and must fulfill all the rights and obligations arising therefrom. The military conscription shall also be applicable to persons who restored Lithuanian citizenship and acquired dual citizenship, as well as to persons residing abroad who have received a call. Military conscripts shall be all adult citizens of the Republic of Lithuania who have a military obligation (regardless of whether they live in Lithuania or abroad).
An exception shall be made and it is allowed to exempt from the military conscription the following persons: incapable persons; the disabled; persons, who were recognized as unsuitable for service due to their health; persons transferred to demission; women (except for those who expressed their will in writing to become military conscripts).
A person who received a call accidentally, can postpone it only due to important reasons: studies, work, huge financial damage, health problems, etc. Important reasons shall also include no knowledge of the Lithuanian language - it would be too expensive and too difficult to ensure that a person who does not have Lithuanian language skills would complete military service without an interpreter. If a person does not live in Lithuania - high travel costs may also be a justifiable reason to postpone the call.
Upon the postponement of the military service, a person may be randomly selected in subsequent years. Upon receipt of a repeated call and non-disappearance of important reasons, the opportunity to request a postponement of the call shall be granted again. The decision to authorize a postponement is taken by a special commission, therefore, each time it is necessary to write an explanation and enclose additional documents evidencing why you cannot join the army if you are randomly selected.
The amendments to the Law on Military Conscription provide for that military conscripts who have departed to other state permanently or temporarily, for a period longer than 6 months, must immediately, but no later than within one month from the day of departure thereof, inform by e-mail the authority of the national defence system administering the military obligation about their actual place of residence, work or studies.